If you were wondering when the right time is to act, now is the time. This is a call to action. As a sorority, we help develop leaders who we hope to be critical thinkers, socially responsible individuals, and bold women. We want to be agents of change. We are capable of having an influence, even as a smaller national organization. We are proud of members using their voices and speaking up to support the movement that Black Lives Matter. We are proud of members using their resources to assist individuals who are struggling because of the effects of the coronavirus. In addition to what our members are already doing we list two ways members can get involved and help others affected by the two viruses of today’s climate in this memo.

Support the General Crisis Relief Fund. Gamma Alpha Omega’s National Executive Board (NEB) created a General Crisis Relief Fund to support sisters who were affected by COVID-19 or the protests occurring nationwide.

This fund will remain open even after these crises pass. Moving forward, all royalties collected from the use of licensed vendors will replenish this fund. The purpose of this fund is to support members who are affected by a crisis, political, social, etc.

Donate to the NAACP! The National Association for the Advancement of Colored People (NAACP) is the recommended organization of the NEB for chapters to donate to. The NEB donated $500 to the NAACP to contribute to their recent #WeAreDoneDying campaign, which speaks to the impact of COVID-19 and calls attention to systemic racism. We hope you join us by making a donation. As leaders in this organization, we can help create change. We can sign the petitions, put in the work, and write to state legislatures to influence the change we wish to see. In addition, you can seek out your local chapter in your area and get involved. To learn more about the NAACP or to donate visit www.naacp.org If you would like to donate to or participate with other organizations, we have started a list below:

If there are any additional organizations or other ways to get involved, please share the name and the link by emailing us at communications@gammaalphaomega.org All contributions are encouraged and will be shared to our platform.

Moving Forward. There are things in society that have remained unchanged for hundreds of years. Some human rights issues are used as political propaganda and we are asked to choose a side. Human rights are essential. The time for change begins now and with individuals like us. As stated earlier in this memo, we want to be agents of change. We have a few steps to start with. First, we need to recognize our privilege. There are things many of us are not denied or killed for because of our skin color. Check your microaggressions. Second, we need to be willing to denounce racism in our organization, in our chapters, in our communities, and in our inner circles. Acts of racism violate our Sorority Policy on Anti-Discrimination and Human Dignity. Check your sisters. Third, we need to put in the work and efforts towards organizations and causes that support anti-racism. As an organization, we can make donations and policies and provide or create workshops. This organization has progress it can make. As individuals we can step out in communities nationwide and make a difference. You don’t have to protest if you’re not able to or comfortable. You can donate to organizations that support the cause. You can also educate others on what racism is, how systemic racism affects Black communities, and correct racist behaviors. Hold yourself and others accountable. Finally, we need to practice what we preach and stand firmly on this stance so that it is visible at every level; National, Region, Chapter, and individual. Just as we are proud to say how diverse and multicultural we are as an organization, we need to be just as proud to be active and avid agents of supporting multicultural issues. ”Injustice anywhere is a threat to justice everywhere.” Continue to speak up and do not be a bystander to racism or any other violation of human rights. Members, we hope you join us on this commitment that Black Lives Matter.

Advocacy Committee. Don’t stop after this movement. Don’t wait for permission from our national office, we support human rights. We see you and we hear you. We support you, we are with you, and we will fight for you. We need members like you to be part of advocacy efforts. If you’d like to be on our newly created Advocacy Committee, please sign up at this link: https://forms.gle/Xjw4gU6y6hFKZT219 This committee will focus on issues that challenge human rights. This committee will create chapter resources and help the NEB create programming and advocacy surrounding these issues.

For questions about this memo, please email us at communications@gammaalphaomega.org